Ants as pets since 2009 It starts here!
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Schools lesson packages

Nice insect lesson packages for the classroom at school, after-school care or childcare. Includes a simple manual for the teacher or supervisor to introduce children to living animals and nature in the classroom!

Please note: If you are considering a school pack of ants for each class at school, it is possible to receive a free workshop from the Ant Farmer. If you are interested, please contact us first to discuss the options and conditions!

Antfarm Gel School Education set

Antfarm Gel School Education set

This school pack contains ant keeping products aimed at children from groups 1-4. Children come into contact with ants and learn more about them in a fun and educational way.

In stock
Ant Farm Sand School Package

Ant Farm Sand School Package

Be aware, only Dutch information at this moment! This school pack contains ant keeping products aimed at children from groups 4-7. Children come into contact with ants and learn more about them in a

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Ant farm Plaster School package

Ant farm Plaster School package

This school pack contains ant keeping products aimed at children from groups 5-8. Children come into contact with ants and learn more about them in a fun and educational way.

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Butterfly educational school package

Butterfly educational school package

This school package has been specially put together for schools and organizations aimed at children. This way they learn more about butterflies and their care in a fun and educational way! It bet

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Walking Branches School Package

Walking Branches School Package

This school package contains products for stick insects. Learn more about stick insects in a fun and educational way. This package has been specially put together for schools and organizations aimed a

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School Lessons water creatures

School Lessons water creatures

This school package has been specially put together for schools and organizations aimed at children. This way they learn more about water creatures in a fun and educational way.

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School package Introduction to Insects

School package Introduction to Insects

This school package contains products to introduce you to insects. Children come into contact with insects and learn more about them in a fun and educational way.

Limited in stock
Boekje 'Mieren zijn Helden'! Boekje 'Mieren zijn Helden'!

Boekje 'Mieren zijn Helden'!

Mieren zijn helden! 28 pagina's met informatie over mieren en mooie foto's. Goed om te gebruiken bij het bestuderen van mieren of voor het houden van een spreekbeurt.

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If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us, we like it! You can reach us via email and WhatsApp. You are welcome in the showroom by appointment for advice and purchase!

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