Keeping a centipede or millipede as a pet is a special hobby. And of course you don't want an ordinary centipede, but a special one, which you will find below...By the way, a centipede doesn't have 1,000 legs and a millipede doesn't have 1,000,000 legs, but of course they do have a lot. Because they have a pair of legs on each segment, there are dozens, even a few hundred! Centipedes (Chilopoda) are a class of arthropods belonging to the millipedes or multipods (Myriapoda), which also includes millipedes.

Olive-striped millipede (Spirostreptus sp.)
This millipede or centipede is a special species! You can now keep them as pets in a terrarium.

Red Pine Bark ground cover
Tree bark ground cover. Beautiful tree bark pieces to cover the bottom of your terrarium or enclosure.

Insect Terrarium
A custom-made terrarium, with cross ventilation from the top and the two sides. Including backdrop design background and a sliding window to be able to do the care from the front.

Decoration set
Complete decoration set for our terrarium. Be aware: this product is excluding a terrarium.

Large insect terrarium 10x10x15
Large insect terrarium 10x10x15 for breeding and keeping of insects

Growing kit
Simple breeding container for growing eggs from stick insects, young nymphs and stick insects.

BUGzzz L insectstay 5000ml
The unique insect stay. Transparent, high quality bottle to observe your bugs , including ventilated cover. size L

Insect Loop Loupe Jar
Jar of magnifying glass above it. Nice to get a good look at your favorite insects.

Breeding pot single
Single breeding pot used for breeding fruit flies or keep little insects.
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